Johnson's Collette 3,

Johnson's Incredible Hulk,
Johnson's Incredible Mean Machine,
Bullmead's Queen,
Johnson's Red Machine,
Sandman The Great,
Sandman's Golden Lady,
Johnson's Suzie Q 2,
Johnson's Collette 3,
King's Aristocrat of JDJ,
Johnson's Aristocrat,
Johnson's Sugar Doll 10,
Johnson's Collette,
Johnson's Incredible Hulk,
Johnson's Sallyanne 2,
Johnson's Sallyanne,


Father: Johnson's Red Machine,
Mother: Johnson's Collette,


   Place: ARF C2099


Relation to Crimson's Elrod,

Children of Crimson's Elrod, and Johnson's Collette 3,
   Johnson's Collette 14,

Relation to Crimson's Elrod,

Children of Crimson's Elrod, and Johnson's Collette 3,
   Johnson's Collette 10,

Relation to Crimson's Elrod,

Children of Crimson's Elrod, and Johnson's Collette 3,
   Johnson's Collette 5,

Picture 1   
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